Putty — SSH Client For Windows

1 minute read

I have been using the PuTTY SSH client for several years. It is fast, reliable, and most of all, it’s terminal emulation is perfect. Emacs runs fine and I have never, ever seen a display glitch. I cannot say this about any of the other clients/emulators that I tried in the past.

Last week I found a way to reduce the number of clicks needed to initiate a PuTTY session. It is easy to create and save named sessions using PuTTY. Each saved session consists of a host name, protocol (SSH, Telnet, and so forth), and many other parameters. When PuTTY is started, it displays a list of sessions; double-clicking on a session opens the connection and gets the session started.

So far, so good. However, I wanted to make this even more efficient (yes, being lazy is a virtue). I read the PuTTY docs and found that I could pass the session name to PuTTY using the command line using the -load option. I have a saved session named Syndic8, so I created a Windows shortcut with the following target: ** C:binputty.exe -load Syndic8 **

I created a unique name and icon for this shortcut, and now I can just double-click, enter my password, and my session is ready.
