Seattle Public Library RSS Support

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According to this article, the Seattle Public Library will soon support RSS2:

RSS (Really Simple Syndication). Just as Web sites now offer RSS as a means to provide updated information without having to “visit” the site, the Horizon RSS feature allows search feeds (new titles from your favorite author) or a listing of “items out” to be incorporated into new readers (My Yahoo! Or Bloglines). Horizon is a commercial product from a company called Dynix, which means that other libraries either have this feature now or could enable it in the future. A search for “horizon library system” brings up a lot of matches.

Ok, so what’s next? After you check out at the library, they should hand you an RSS Icon the size of a business card. You then wave this in front of your computer and your personalized feeds are entered in to your aggregator. Or they could email the feeds to you, send them to your phone via Bluetooth, or maybe the library could even be the primary long-term storage location for your OPML feed list. Makes some twisted sense, when you think about it.
