I Willed This Site Into Existence!

less than 1 minute read

Ok, this is pretty funny…

After become a regular in Second Life, I thought it would be cool to have a Digg-like site focused on stories that revolved around Second Life. I checked and found that someone had registered sligg.com, clearly the most natural name for such a site. At the time I checked, there was no content at the site. I threw the URL into Watch That Page and forgot about it.

Today I got my daily update email from Watch That Page, and it showed me that there had been a change at Sligg! I paid it a visit, and — sure enough — the Digg-like site that I wanted was there!

Of course I registed and then submitted my Elevator Script to the site.

The site has an RSS feed and I look forward to visiting and submitting new information to it on a regular basis.
