Links for Monday, October 2, 2006

1 minute read

  • Gene Kavner: Monitor where your traffic comes from with the Traffic Widget – “*As I will spend more time discussing in my future posts, having good analytics about your site is important when you make decisions which affiliate programs to join, what part of your site works to generate both interest on the part of your viewers and income for you, and whether you should or shouldn’t continue with a special promotion on your site. *“
  • Play2Train: Idaho Bioterrorism Awareness and Preparedness Program – “*Play2Train is a virtual training space in SecondLife designed to support Strategic National Stockpile (SNS), Simple Triage Rapid Transportation (START), Risk Communication and Incident Command System (ICS) Training. *“
  • LSL Wiki – “*Welcome to the LSL Wiki! This is an effort to document the secrets of LSL, the scripting language of Second Life. This wiki is intended as an open documentation resource to help scripters of all skill levels. *“
  • Roo Reynolds: Google Sketchup -> Second Life export – “What I wrote was a short Ruby plugin for SketchUp. It writes out basic model information to a text file, allowing it to be imported again (as a notecard) into Second Life. From there, an object parses the notecard and re-generates the model in-world.
  • Gizmodo: First Images of Virgin Galactic SpaceShipTwo Cabin – “We climbed back, and discovered an abandoned space ship. A Virgin Galactic SpaceShipOne replica sitting on a trailer, actually.
  • Fast Company: Tough Love – “Design, in short, is becoming an ever more important engine of corporate profit: It’s no longer enough simply to outperform the competition; to thrive in a world of ceaseless and rapid change, businesspeople have to outimagine the competition as well. They must begin to think–to become–more like designers.
