Coffee With Crayon

1 minute read

Late last night I was walking the dog and listening to C.C C.hapman’s Managing the Gray podcast.

He mentioned that he was conducting an informal “Coffee With Crayon” get-together in Second Life today. At 6 AM this morning I logged in and located Crayonville, and joined in the conversation. It was a lot of fun — C.C. would throw out various topics related to PR, blogging, and podcasting, and the discussion moved smoothly from topic to topic. I did learn that there’s a Podcast Camp (PodcampSL happening this weekend).

The fact that everyone was virtual certainly broke down barriers to conversation, as did the fact that many of the people were drinking the free virtual coffee!

It was definitely peer to peer conversation and networking at its best. We talked a lot about identity, branding, and self-promotion. One participant, a self-described supermodel, asked why we all didn’t have our URLs floating about our heads like she did.

Here are a few pictures from this morning:

C.C. didn’t ask the attendees for permission to post their comments as part of a transcript. I neglected to save it for my own use before logging out.

By the way, C.C. has a lot of other cool stuff on his site, including this presentation on Marketing in Second Life. Of course, I would also recommend his podcast.
