Links for Thursday, May 31, 2007

1 minute read

  • Andy Fundinger: SL/RL Interfaces — An Overview – “There are three main interfaces that can bridge the gap between SecondLife and real life.
  • Alaska Airlines: Hawaii Here We Come – “Alaska Airlines will offer daily year-round nonstop flights between Seattle and Honolulu, and between Seattle and Lihu’e on the island of Kauai. Alaska will also launch seasonal service between Anchorage and Honolulu.
  • Second Life Insider: Tools of the Trade – Sculpties – “What the hell is a sculpt texture? It’s a three dimensional displacement map that is applied to a sphere. Basically the sphere is made of lots of little triangles. The point where those triangles touch at the corners is called a vertex. A sculpt texture has the X, Y and Z position of each vertex laid out in a flat sheet, relative to the center of the sphere. That tells it where every vertex goes and will form the final shape.
  • VeeJay Burns: A Closer Look at Amazon – “We toured the sim then and saw a very imaginative auditorium, probably one of the most original ones I’ve seen so far and we toured the Amazon again in the boats I blogged on in my previews posting on Amazon. This time, even the boats caused havoc as one actualla sank!
  • Betsy Weber: Amazon Web Services Chat.
  • Paul Allen: Recruiting 2.0 – “World Vital Records is looking to hire two outstanding developers. We need a top PHP coder and a top Adobe Flex coder. Genealogy interest/experience is a plus. We are also hiring a sales manager to set up and manage our call center.
  • Rick Skrenta: Code Is Our Enemy – “I’ve been wondering if it’s possible to generally insert learning components at certain points into the code to adaptively respond to failure cases, scenarios, etc. Why am I manually tuning this perf variable or setting this backoff strategy? Why are we manually doing A/B testing and putting the results back into CVS to run another test, when the whole loop could be wired up to the live site to run by itself and just adapt and/or improve over time?
