Links for Monday, June 9, 2008

less than 1 minute read

  • Consumer Reports: Your debt – 8 benchmarks for borrowing – “*Those who are financially well off might be tempted to turn the page. Don’t. Debt problems can stalk anyone, especially in a slowing economy. *“
  • Cosmic Log: Space Telescopes Team Up – “In all, more than 800,000 images were stitched together into a mosaic of the Milky Way’s galactic plane that takes in 120 degrees of width and just 2 degrees of height. The portrait is so detailed, shallow and long that you have to post it on a wall – or look at it using a zoomable image browser – to get the full impact.
  • NASA: Spitzer Space Telescope – “*This page contains high-resolution images from the Spitzer Space Telescope which you can interactively zoom into and pan around. *“
  • NASA: Spitzer Space Telescope: Spitzer Wallpapers – “Now you can decorate your computer’s desktop with exciting Spitzer wallpaper. Simply select the one you want, download it at your preferred resolution, and select it in your operating system.
