Links for Sunday, January 18, 2009

less than 1 minute read

  • Goodnight Bush: George W. Bush Presidential Librarium – “Dow Jones Rollercoaster – You won’t be able to keep your assets from flying out of your seats! WARNING: Do not ride if you’re planning to retire any time in the next quarter century.
  • Smashing Magazine: 45+ New jQuery Techniques For Good User Experience – “To help you take it up a notch, we share below some methods that can help you give visitors to your website an amazing user experience. Here are over 45 impressive jQuery plug-ins and techniques that have been recently created and that could make the development of your next website an easier and more interesting experience than the last.
  • Filament Group: Setting Equal Heights with jQuery – “We wrote a script to “equalize” the heights of boxes within the same container and create a tidy grid — with little overhead.
