Links for Monday, October 5, 2009

less than 1 minute read

  • MSNBC: Lack of Computer Skills Foils Many Job-seekers – “However deeply computers may have embedded themselves into modern life, there are still millions of people for whom they remain a challenge. For these Americans, finding a new job during a time of high unemployment can be especially difficult.
  • Official Second Life Blog: Virtual Worlds Certificate Program at UW graduates First Class – “Several of the students agreed to meet me a few days before graduation for a tour of the University of Washington Island and to give me the student perspective on the certificate program. I was struck by the diversity of the group.
  • University of Washington: Certificate in Virtual Worlds – “*Learn to use simulated environments to enhance all types of organizations, including online communities, education, retailing, political expression and military training. As technologies develop, Virtual Worlds become more sophisticated, more common and people spend more time in them. Position yourself to be part of this emerging movement that has become a reality beyond just gaming. Your education will be hands-on and practical; you will learn exclusively in a simulated environment. *“
