Unitus: Empowering Women

less than 1 minute read

carmen_unitus_empowered.pngMy friend Dave Schappell over at Unitus sent me a note about their new Empowering Woman program. Donors can pay tribute to an inspiring or empowering woman in their life, and then make a contribution which will in turn empower Unitus to support meaningful and worthwhile development programs to fight global poverty.

I took a few minutes to write about my dear wife, who is definitely both inspiring and empowering. My contribution will be used to create microloans of $5 each to 20 deserving woman. That may not sound like much (I paid almost that much for a hot chocolate in London today) and you might wonder if it can make a difference. Read their success stories and you will see that it can.

If you think this is a worthwhile cause, you can create your own tribute page too!
