Links for Sunday, May 20, 2007

1 minute read

  • Debs Regent Virtual Commerce – “We will promote your business within real life environments such as London and ensure that you get product appreciation and customer attachment via unique ‘communities’, such as Knightsbridge, that we created within SecondLife.
  • Nick Wilson: Things To Do in Second Life for the Geeky and the Brave – “I thought it might be fun to share some of the things that might not necessarily be written about on the site, but still be good geeky fun to go take a look at.
  • Second Life Best Practices in Education – “The conference will be held on May 25, 2007 in venues all over the Second Life world, with exciting presentations, vendors and exhibitors, and everything an educator needs to know to get started exploring the possibilities for teaching, learning, and research in Second Life!
  • Richard Urban: A Second Life for Your Museum: 3D Multi-User Virtual Environments and Museums – “*The paper gives an overview of some of the museum-like activities currently being undertaken in Second Life. Current development is mainly in the hands of pioneers, often interested amateurs engaging in serious leisure to create spaces enabling them to share their interests with others. These efforts are explored in this paper through a systematic analysis of museum visits and a qualitative analysis of interviews with designers and developers of museums in Second Life. *“
  • Kisa Naumova: Building a Replica of Where I Work, In Second Life, Using Adobe Illustrator – “I used PDFs from our architects as a base to trace all the walls on 11 layers in an Adobe Illustrator file, then exported each floor as an XML-based Scalable Vector Graphics file, each of which I ran through a PHP script to extract the object info and convert it to something I could paste in a notecard.
