Links for Wednesday, June 14, 2007

1 minute read

  • Cosmic Log: Lunar Lander Lineup – “To have any chance of winning a prize, a team will have to get its remote-controlled rocket ship to lift off from one pad, hover at least 50 meters high, touch down at a destination pad 100 meters away, fuel up again, then make the return trip – all within 150 minutes.
  • CNN: Space Shuttle Oxygen, Water Computers Fail – “Russian engineers think the computers’ failure could have been triggered by a power source. The space station earlier this week got a new pair of solar arrays that were delivered by Atlantis and unfolded Tuesday to help provide power.
  • James Governor: From Picking Fleas to Eating Peas – “Does anyone really want to live in a world where all we talk about is work? Where the only language we speak is that of the MBA? Me – I prefer a little monkey business, because play drives productivity. That’s ambient intimacy.
  • Second Life Research: Outsourcing 2.0: Into the Virtual World – “For example, meetings in Second Life are more productive than conference calls, he said, because all the participants have to be engaged. Unlike on a conference call you can’t get away with doing email or making coffee at the same time as listening in.
