Links for Monday, September 17, 2007

1 minute read

  • Anne Truit Zelenka:Nurture Your Relationships With Positive Flooding – “Perhaps the most important tool you have for keeping your relationships in good shape is positive flooding. You need to keep the bulk of interactions with those you care about positive; in fact, you probably need far more positive interactions than you think.
  • Ben Balzer: Introduction to the Paleolithic Diet – “The basic principles of the Paleolithic Diet are so simple that most high school students can understand them. Within 15 minutes from now you will grasp the major elements. At the technical level, Paleolithic Diet Theory has a depth and breadth that is unmatched by all other dietary theories. Paleolithic Diet Theory presents a fully integrated, holistic, comprehensive dietary theory combining the best features of all other dietary theories, eliminating the worst features and simplifying it all.” – Via Jason; more info can be found in the Paleolithic Diet article in Wikipedia.
  • Marc Andreesen: The Three Kinds of Platforms You Meet on the Internet – “This post is my attempt to disentangle and examine the topic of “Internet platform” in detail. I will go at it by identifying three distinct approaches to providing an Internet platform, and project forward on where I think each of the three approaches will go. At best, I might be able to help make a new landscape clear. At worst, hopefully I can at least provide one framework for future discussion.
  • Read/WriteWeb: 10 Ajax Start Pages to Consider – “*Ajax start pages are easy-to-use, customizable webpages, allowing you to keep up with the latest news and add interactive content. You can add new RSS feeds and widgets, and move your content around the page. In some ways start pages are the successors to the portals of the 90′s. *” – I use PageFlakes.
