Links for Saturday, October 27, 2007

1 minute read

  • Patty Seybold: Patterns in My Head from Talking with Technology Architects – “Commodity Services Are Great Building Blocks. These pioneers view most applications as collections of loosely-coupled intelligent objects and software services. The services can be can be sourced from anywhere in the world. They can be located anywhere. They can be swapped in and out.
  • Patty Seybold: How to Get Customers to Tell Us What Bugs Them? – “Don’t limit yourselves to customer satisfaction and loyalty surveys. Get on the phone. Call a customer today!
  • Phil Windley: Starting a High Tech Business: Get a Clubhouse – “One of the things I realized pretty quick after getting serious about a new startup was that you need a clubhouse. It’s fine to work from home, meet in coffee shops, and go cheap at first, but eventually you want to get real work done. For me, that means a place to go that is specifically about that effort
  • Raph Koster: Are We Mainstreaming? – “The bottom line is something that has been known for a very long time. Chat is never enough. Try to find a real-world business built on social interaction without something to do, and what you will find is that successful social (or “third”) places generally rely on a shared activity: drinks at the bar serving as a lubricant, bingo at the church, bowling at the lanes, a movie to ignore, and so on.
