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Design In Flight

less than 1 minute read

Even though I have no design skill whatsoever (look at syndic8 for living proof), I’m still trying to learn. I just ordered the first two issues of Design In...

New Year’s Day Polar Plunge in Seattle

less than 1 minute read

For years my wife had read about the various “polar bear plunge” events where a bunch of brave fools dive into ice cold water on New Year’s day. She’s an adv...

Amazon Web Services Blogs

less than 1 minute read

In addition to the present blog, I am also the principal blogger behind the Amazon Web Services blog. My Developer Relations Group has been using this blog t...

Regular Sucking Schedule Blog

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Glenn Fleishman is now publishing the Regular Sucking Schedule blog, specifically to discuss issues related to RSS bandwidth usage. I’m not doing all that I ...

PNG Support in IE

less than 1 minute read

One of my Featured Feed advertisers asked me to look in to supporting transparent PNGs in Internet Explorer. I found this article, added the code, and it wor...

Enabling mod_gzip

2 minute read

Glenn asked me how to enable gzip under Apache, so I figured I would write this post so that everyone could benefit.

Firefox Tweaks

less than 1 minute read

Brian Livingston has some really good Firefox tweaks in his Windows Secrets column today. I have been receiving Brian’s newsletter for a very long time.